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Ease offers online classes and educational opportunities for empowerment, advocacy & sexuality education.

Caption of who these people are, and description of the images. Add alt-text to each image.

Sexuality education & advocacy skills give people

with Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities

the ability to make informed and healthy choices,

prevent abuse and see themselves as sexual beings.


Accurate and age appropriate instruction help them be better prepared for healthier relationships and to advocate for themselves.


Ease is honored to be a funded Innovation Partner of the Disability-inclusive Sexual Health Network and SexEdVA at James Madison University.

About and Classes

About Ease

Empowerment, Advocacy
& Sexuality Education


Ease offers sexuality education for people with Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities. 


We teach online classes for Teens and Adults.  Ease teaches to actual age of the person.  We adapt the material so everyone is able to access the class information using visuals, handouts, videos, discussions and props.


In addition we lead Parent Workshops, monthly webinars, Professional Development opportunities, info sessions, lunch & learn and more



Who We Are


Arlene Lechner, M.Ed


Arlene, Ease co-founder and a Human Sexuality Educator in Burke, VA.  Arlene is the Special Needs and Inclusion Program Coordinator at the Pozez JCC of Northern Virginia, overseeing inclusion support in the Before and After School Enrichment program for school age children, and coordinates social skills classes and groups, adaptive fitness and cooking classes for teens through adults. In addition, she is the Assistant Director of Special Needs and Inclusion for Camp Achva at the Pozez JCC.  Arlene has a BA in Human Development from Hofstra University and a Master’s in Special Education from George Mason University.




Melissa Hochberg, M.Ed


Melissa, Ease co-founder and a Human Sexuality Educator in Fairfax, VA.  Melissa is the Resource Specialist at the Pozez JCC of Northern Virginia, working in both the Early Childhood Learning Center supporting early intervention for the children and the Inclusion & Disabilities Department facilitating the Going Places! social clubs for teens, young adults and adults with Level 1/high functioning Autism.  Melissa has a BS in Speech Communication and Linguistics from SUNY Oneonta and a Masters in Special Education from the University of Virginia.


Arlene & Melissa are both Mental Health First Aid certified.



Human Sexuality 101 classes for Adults ages 18+  (16 weeks, co-ed/women only) 


Human Sexuality 101 Teens + Social Skills + Parent classes for 8th - 12th graders  (12 weeks)     


Parent Workshops, How to Talk with Your Kids About Sex  (2 1/2 hours)


Support Staff Training  (customized) 


Individualized programs for your organization





"Thank you for teaching my adult child these important topics.  I know he needs this information and I had no idea how to broach these topics."


"Thank you Melissa and Arlene for keeping us updated. I can already see the positive impact this class is having on my daughter.  This is helping her navigate “steps up and down” in relationships, too."


"We're happy to have our teen son participate in the Human Sexuality 101 class.  There's so much to learn and we're learning along with him.  Thank you."


"I really appreciate my son being able to participate in this class.  Every time I see the handouts for the week, I think how perfect this class is for him and how much he needs to know this material!"


"I am so glad that you are addressing pornography in class - yet another issue that I know is important, but that I have no idea how to discuss with my son!"


"This class has made me a better person.  I wish I had known this information earlier in my relationship."


"I was pulled out of Family Life Education in school and sent to Home Ec instead.  I didn't learn any of this in school."


"Relationships are always evolving and I wish I would have known that.  This class is very important and informative."









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